Jaeyong Lee

Assistant Professor (2024.3.1.~)

Department of AI

Chung-Ang University

(Supervisor of Mathematical AI and Scientific Computing (MAISC) Lab)

Here are my Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

KIAS Associate Member (2025.1.1.~2026.12.31.)

Center for AI and Natural Sciences

Korea Institute for Advanced Study,

Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02455, Republic of Korea

Contact Information

84, Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu,

Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea

Office: Room 713, Building No. 305

Office Phone: +82 2-820-5550

E-mail: jaeyong AT cau DOT ac DOT kr



Advisor: Prof. Hyung Ju Hwang

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(One accepted paper: Isometric Regularization for Manifolds of Functional Data [Project page])