Jaeyong Lee

Assistant Professor

Department of AI

Chung-Ang University

(Supervisor of Mathematical AI and Scientific Computing (MAISC) Lab)

Here are my Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

Contact Information

84, Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu,

Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea

Office: Room 713, Building No. 305

Office Phone: +82 2-820-5550

E-mail: jaeyong AT cau DOT ac DOT kr



Advisor: Prof. Hyung Ju Hwang

Upcoming Events and News

2024.07.04: I gave a seminar talk at the National Institute of Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Innovation Center for Industrial Mathematics (ICIM) (Pangyo, Korea).

2024.06.24 ~ 06.28: I gave a tutorial lecture at The 15th KIAS CAC Summer School on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & PARALLEL COMPUTING (Title: Physics-informed neural network) (Seoul, Korea).

2024.06.13: I gave a seminar talk at the Mathematics Department of Incheon National University (Incheon, Korea).

2024.05.31 ~ 06.02: I participated in the Machine Learning and Numerical Modeling conference (Pohang, Korea).

2024.05.21: I gave a seminar talk at the Mathematics Department of Chung-Ang University (Seoul, Korea).

2024.05.17: I wrote an article for the KSIAM newsletter(2024. 5, Vol.8 , No.1) introducing my research area titled 'Real-time Partial Differential Equation Simulation Using Operator Learning'.

2024.05.17 ~ 05.19: I participated in 2024 KSIAM Spring Conference (Daegu, Korea).

2024.05.16: I gave a seminar talk at the Mathematics Department of Kon-kuk University (Seoul, Korea).

2024.05.07 ~ 05.11: I participated in ICLR 2024 for a poster presentation - AI4DifferentialEquations In Science workshop (Vienna, Austria)

2024.04.25: I gave a seminar talk at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) via Zoom.

2024.04.18 ~ 04.20: I organized the Special Session(SS-16) 'Computational Methods for PDEs and Dynamical Systems' at 2024 KMS Spring Meeting (Seoul, Korea).

2024/02: I joined the faculty at the Department of AI at Chung-Ang University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor, starting in March 2024 (Seoul, Korea).